Community Health Advisory Forum 

The Community Health Advisory Forum (CHAF) brings together local people from across Dundee who will support Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and others to ensure that communities are effectively and meaningfully involved in decisions that affect their health and wellbeing. 


CHAF members bring a range of knowledge, skills and experience of supporting the health and wellbeing of the wider community in which they live. CHAF members will ensure, to the best of their ability, that they understand the key issues affecting the health and wellbeing of people in their defined community and will use this to inform their work. CHAF members will also use their local networks to support the Health and Social Care Partnership and other organisations to connect with local communities on issues of common concern.

To find out more about the CHAF, including how to join or how to raise an issue contact Robin Falconer, Community Health Team Leader at or message us on Facebook


The CHAF is a new group. We are currently working on our priority areas for the year ahead. Our key activities and milestones to date are:

December 2022 - Team Building
CHAF members took part in team building activities to build positive working relationships and trust given this was the first time everyone has worked together. 

January 2023 - Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership Engagement
Julia Martineau and Joyce Barclay from Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership attended the CHAF meeting to seek input on a new GP premises strategy and the new Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership strategic plan.

March 2023 - Community Education Intern Research
Rebekah Muir, a Community Education Intern who has been supporting with the development of the CHAF, attended the CHAF meeting to present findings from her research into people's experiences of being involved in decision-making processes in Dundee. The findings will be used to inform the continued development of the CHAF.

March 2023 - CHEX Annual Conference
In March, some CHAF members also attended the CHEX Community-led Health annual conference in Glasgow to share their experiences and learn from others about taking action to improve health and wellbeing of communities in Scotland. 

June 2023 - Community Health Team 20th Anniversary Celebration
CHAF members delivered a workshop at the Community Health Team's 20th Anniversary Celebration event at the Central Baptist Church. 

October 2023 - Julia Martineau from Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership visited the CHAF to seek their views on a General Practice strategy which will outline how the 22 General Practices in Dundee will deliver health and psycho-social services over the next 3 years.

November 2023 - three CHAF members attended the Dundee Fairness Leadership Panel annual conference, joining discussions on the cost-of-living response over the past year.

November 2023 -  two CHAF members attended the Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing gathering in Glasgow.

November 2023 - two CHAF members joined the Community Education class 'Collaborative Action for Social Justice' at University of Dundee to share experiences of working together to influence change and tackle health inequalities.